In this blog post, we will talk about the AWS key management service or KMS and how to use aws kms cli. What is the KMS? KMS is the essential service in AWS; if you need to do any encryption, let’s look. KMS is a regional managed service that makes it straightforward to produce and …

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Build Docker Image on Gitlab. The best approach to build docker-in-docker. And use cache to improve performance. Also, let's leran how to push the images to the AWS ECR.

Build Docker Image on Gitlab [without dind and with AWS ECR]

Build Docker image on Gitlab, it’s an easy task, but it could get complicated in complex scenarios, and some tricks to use cache correctly. But, I will show you how to generate a Docker Image for your pipeline on Gitlab. GitLab is a well-known DevOps platform presented as a single application. It also makes GitLab unique and …

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