Protect your data in the cloud with S3 Object Lock! Keep your objects safe and compliant with governance policies while controlling costs.

Ensure Data Compliance & Security with S3 Object Lock

Amazon S3 Object Lock is a feature provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to lock an object in an S3 bucket, not to be deleted or overwritten for a specific period. Object Lock helps you to comply with regulatory and compliance requirements that mandate data retention and immutability, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Rule 17a-4(f) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Write Once Read Many (WORM)

Once Read Many (WORM) is a concept in information storage and management that refers to the ability to write data to a storage medium, such as a disk or tape, to prevent it from being modified or deleted once written. This ensures the data can be read many times but not modified or deleted, thus maintaining its integrity and authenticity.

The WORM concept is fundamental when data needs to be stored securely and immutably for legal, regulatory, or compliance reasons. For example, financial institutions and healthcare organizations may be required to store data for a certain period, and this data must be stored in a way that ensures its authenticity and integrity.

WORM can be implemented using various storage technologies, such as WORM drives, optical disks, or magnetic tapes. In the context of Amazon S3, WORM is implemented through the S3 Object Lock feature, which allows users to set retention periods and legal holds on objects to prevent them from being deleted or modified.

By implementing WORM, organizations can ensure their data is secure, tamper-proof, and compliant with relevant regulations and industry standards.

There are two modes of Object Lock:

Governance Mode: Governance mode allows you to secure objects from deletion or alteration by setting retention periods and legal holds. Even the root account cannot delete, shorten, or modify an object that has been locked in this way – protecting it indefinitely!

Compliance Mode: All objects are safeguarded against modifications or deletions for a preset timeframe in Compliance mode. Not even the root account can shorten retention periods, delete markers must be created to terminate access once the allocated duration ends. With this feature in place, your data is securely kept and protected from any attempt at manipulation!

S3 Object Lock allows you to enforce retention policies for your objects, which can be helpful in various scenarios. For example, you might use Object Lock to store data that must be retained for legal or regulatory reasons or to prevent accidental or malicious deletion of essential data.

Can I permit a user to delete an Object in the Compliance Mode?

No, the retention period cannot be changed in the Compliance mode of S3 Object Lock. The objects cannot be deleted until the retention period has expired, even for users with appropriate permissions. This is because the Compliance mode is designed to meet regulatory and compliance requirements, where data must be kept immutable for a specific period.

In the Governance mode, however, you can set a retention period and allow authorized users to delete or modify objects before the retention period expires, as long as they have the appropriate permissions. The Governance mode is designed for scenarios where data must be kept immutable for some time but with some flexibility to allow certain authorized actions, such as object deletion or modification.

It’s important to note that when using S3 Object Lock, it’s essential to carefully consider the requirements of your use case and choose the appropriate mode (Compliance or Governance) to ensure that your data is managed and stored securely and in compliance with relevant regulations and policies.

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Legal Hold and Retention Period

Legal hold and retention period are essential concepts for understanding S3 Object Lock.

Legal hold is a mechanism that prevents the deletion or modification of an object in an S3 bucket. A legal hold is used to preserve objects involved in a legal, regulatory, or compliance matter, ensuring that the object cannot be deleted or modified until the hold is removed. Legal hold can be applied to a specific object or a version of an object and can be released only by the authorized user.

On the other hand, the retention period is when an object in an S3 bucket must be retained. Once an object is locked with a retention period, it cannot be deleted or modified until it has elapsed. A retention period is a way to ensure that data is retained for a specific period, which can be important for legal or compliance reasons.

The critical difference between a legal hold and a retention period is that a legal hold is used to preserve an object indefinitely until the hold is removed. In contrast, a retention period ensures that an object is retained for a specific period, after which it can be deleted or modified. A legal hold is typically used when a legal or compliance requirement exists to preserve an object. In contrast, the retention period is used when there is a requirement to retain an object for a specific duration.

It is also worth noting that a legal hold can be used with a retention period. For example, you may apply a retention period of seven years to an object and also place it on legal hold to ensure that it is not deleted or modified during that period.

What is the Delete Marker?

Delete Marker is a special marker that is used in versioned S3 buckets to indicate the deletion of an object or a specific version of an object. When you delete an object or a version of an object in an S3 bucket with versioning enabled, S3 creates a Delete Marker instead of deleting the object. The Delete Marker is essentially a placeholder for the deleted object, and it can be thought of as a new version of the object.

Delete A special object in the S3 bucket with a unique version ID represents markers. Delete Markers can be considered zero-byte objects with a content length of zero. They are visible when you list the versions of an S3 object and can be identified by the word “Delete Marker” in the version ID field.

How to remove a hold?

To remove the hold on an object in an S3 bucket using the AWS Management Console, follow these steps:

  1. First, navigate to the S3 console and select the bucket containing the object you want to remove the hold.
  2. Next, locate the object in the bucket and click on its name to view its properties.
  3. Next, click the “Object Lock” tab in the properties section.
  4. Next, select the “Legal Hold” or “Retention” tab, depending on the applied hold type.
  5. Finally, click on the “Remove” button to remove the hold.

To remove the hold on an object in an S3 bucket using the AWS CLI, you can use the s3-object-lock command. Here’s an example command to remove a legal hold on an object:

aws s3-object-lock put-object-retention –bucket my-bucket –key my-object –bypass-governance-retention –no-legal-hold

This command uses the put-object-retention API call with the –no-legal-hold flag to remove the legal hold on the object. The –bypass-governance-retention flag is used to bypass governance retention mode if it is enabled for the bucket. You will need the appropriate permissions to execute this command.

How to permit a user to remove the hold?

To give a user permission to remove the hold on an object in an S3 bucket, you must grant them the necessary permissions in the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) console. Here are the steps to give an IAM user permission to remove a hold on an S3 object:

  1. Open the AWS Management Console and navigate to the IAM console.
  2. In the left-hand navigation pane, click on “Users”.
  3. Select the user you want permission to remove a hold and click on their name.
  4. In the “Permissions” tab, click the “Add inline policy” button.
  5. In the “Create policy” page, choose “JSON” as the policy type.
  6. Enter the following policy statement, replacing my-bucket and my-object with the name of the S3 bucket and object, respectively:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",

  "Statement": [


      "Effect": "Allow",

      "Action": [




      "Resource": [






This policy statement grants the user permission to get and put object retention on the specific S3 object.

7 – Click the “Review policy” button, give the policy a name, and click the “Create policy” button.

The user should now have the necessary permissions to remove the hold on the specified S3 object using the AWS Management Console or AWS CLI, assuming they have been granted the appropriate permissions to access the S3 bucket and object.

What are the requirements for using S3 Object Lock?

To use S3 Object Lock, several requirements must be met:

  1. S3 Bucket: You must have an S3 bucket in which you want to use Object Lock.
  2. S3 Object Versioning: Object Lock requires that versioning is enabled for the S3 bucket. This allows you to retain previous versions of an object, which can be necessary for compliance and legal purposes.
  3. IAM Permissions: You must have the necessary permissions to enable Object Lock on an S3 bucket. Specifically, it would be best to have the s3:GetBucketObjectLockConfiguration, s3:PutBucketObjectLockConfiguration, and s3:GetObjectRetention permissions.
  4. Object Lock Capability: Object Lock capability must be enabled for the S3 bucket. This can be done by creating a bucket with Object Lock enabled or enabling Object Lock on an existing bucket.
  5. Object Lock API: You must use the appropriate API calls to set, release, or remove Object Lock on an object in the S3 bucket.
  6. Compliance or Governance mode: To use Object Lock, you must choose whether to enable compliance mode or governance mode. Compliance mode enforces a fixed retention period, while governance mode allows you to apply legal holds and retention periods.

It is important to note that Object Lock is not available in all regions and is not supported by all S3 storage classes. Therefore, it is vital to check the availability of Object Lock in your region and storage class before using this feature.

What storage classes are supported to use S3 Object Lock?

S3 Object Lock is not available for all S3 storage classes. The following S3 storage classes support S3 Object Lock:

  1. S3 Standard: S3 Standard is the default storage class for frequently accessed data. S3 Standard supports Object Lock in both compliance and governance modes.
  2. S3 Intelligent-Tiering: S3 Intelligent-Tiering is designed for data with unknown or changing access patterns. S3 Intelligent-Tiering supports Object Lock in both compliance and governance modes.
  3. S3 Glacier: S3 Glacier is designed for data archiving and long-term backup. S3 Glacier supports Object Lock in compliance mode only.
  4. S3 Glacier Deep Archive: S3 Glacier Deep Archive is designed for long-term data archiving and retention. S3 Glacier Deep Archive supports Object Lock in compliance mode only.
  5. S3 One Zone-Infrequent Access: S3 One Zone-Infrequent Access is designed for infrequently accessed data that can be recreated if lost. S3 One Zone-Infrequent Access supports Object Lock in both compliance and governance modes.

It is important to note that all storage classes support not all features of Object Lock. For example, S3 Glacier and S3 Glacier Deep Archive only support Object Lock in compliance mode, while S3 Standard and S3 Intelligent-Tiering support Object Lock in compliance and governance modes. Therefore, choosing the appropriate storage class is essential based on your data retention and immutability requirements.

S3 Object Lock with S3 Inventory

S3 Inventory is a feature in Amazon S3 that provides a scheduled or on-demand report of your objects and their metadata for a given S3 bucket. S3 Object Lock can be used with S3 Inventory to help you monitor and manage the compliance and governance of your S3 objects.

Here are a few ways you can take advantage of S3 Object Lock with S3 Inventory:

  1. Generate a report of objects under governance: You can configure S3 Inventory to include the object retention or legal hold status for each object in your S3 bucket. This can help you generate a report of all objects under governance and monitor their compliance status.
  2. Verify compliance with retention policies: By analyzing S3 Inventory reports, you can verify whether all objects in your S3 bucket comply with your retention policies. You can also check whether any objects are missing or expired retention policies.
  3. Monitor changes to the retention and legal hold policies: S3 Inventory can be configured to report changes to the retention and legal hold policies. By analyzing these reports, you can monitor changes to governance policies and identify potential unauthorized modifications to the retention and legal hold policies.
  4. Automate compliance auditing: You can automate compliance auditing using S3 Inventory with other AWS services such as AWS Lambda and Amazon SNS. For example, you can use Lambda to automatically generate compliance reports based on the S3 Inventory data and use SNS to notify relevant stakeholders of any compliance issues.

By using S3 Object Lock with S3 Inventory, you can gain greater visibility into your S3 objects and ensure they remain compliant with your governance policies.


The costs related to S3 Object Lock on Amazon S3 can be divided into direct and indirect.

Direct costs:

  1. Storage costs: S3 Object Lock requires that the locked objects are stored in S3. Therefore, the storage costs for S3 apply.
  2. Object Lock charges: There are additional charges for using Object Lock, which depend on the type of retention mode you choose. For example, in the Compliance mode, you are charged per object per month, while in the Governance mode, you are charged based on the number of objects with retention periods set.

Indirect costs:

  1. API requests: Object Lock may result in additional API requests to Amazon S3, which can increase the number of requests and affect the overall cost of S3 usage.
  2. Data transfer costs: If you need to transfer data to or from your S3 bucket, this may result in additional data transfer costs, increasing the overall cost of using S3 Object Lock.
  3. Operational costs: There may be additional operational costs associated with configuring and managing S3 Object Lock, such as training staff, monitoring retention policies, and ensuring compliance with regulations.

It’s important to note that the exact costs associated with S3 Object Lock will depend on various factors, including the number of objects being locked, the retention period, the type of storage class, and other usage patterns. The AWS Simple Monthly Calculator can estimate your costs based on your specific usage patterns.

Can we use S3 Object Lock with Replication enabled?

Yes, you can use S3 Object Lock with replication enabled. When you enable replication for your S3 bucket, you can replicate your locked objects to other S3 buckets in the same or different AWS Regions. However, it’s important to note that when using replication with S3 Object Lock, you need to consider the following:

  1. Replication rules: You must create replication rules considering the S3 Object Lock retention settings. The Replication rules should be set up to replicate the locked objects and their retention settings to the destination bucket.
  2. replication time: The time taken for replication to complete may vary depending on the size and frequency of changes to the objects in the source bucket. You must ensure that the retention period on the objects is set to a sufficient duration to ensure that the objects are retained on the destination bucket for the required duration.
  3. Cross-region replication: If you replicate objects across different AWS Regions, you must ensure that the destination Region supports the same S3 Object Lock retention settings as the source Region.
  4. Compliance considerations: If you are subject to regulatory or compliance requirements, you must ensure that using S3 Object Lock with replication complies with relevant regulations and policies.

Overall, using S3 Object Lock with replication can help you to ensure that your locked objects are securely replicated and retained for the required duration on the destination bucket, providing added data protection and compliance with regulations.


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What is the difference between Governance and Compliance modes in S3 Object Lock?

A) Governance mode allows object deletion before the retention period expires if the user has appropriate permissions, while Compliance mode doesn’t.

B) Compliance mode allows object deletion before the retention period expires if the user has appropriate permissions, while Governance mode doesn’t.

C) Governance and Compliance modes allow object deletion before the retention period expires if the user has appropriate permissions.

D) Governance and Compliance modes don’t allow object deletion before the retention period expires.

Answer: A) Governance mode allows object deletion before the retention period expires if the user has appropriate permissions, while Compliance mode doesn’t.

Can you apply S3 Object Lock to an existing S3 bucket?

A) Yes, you can apply S3 Object Lock to an existing S3 bucket anytime.

B) You can only apply S3 Object Lock to a new S3 bucket.

C) You can apply S3 Object Lock to an existing S3 bucket only if it has never had any objects.

D) If empty, you can apply S3 Object Lock to an existing S3 bucket.

Answer: A) Yes, you can apply S3 Object Lock to an existing S3 bucket anytime.

What happens to objects in a bucket transitioning from Governance mode to Compliance mode?

A) The objects remain in the bucket, but their retention periods are reset to the compliance mode setting.

B) The objects are deleted from the bucket.

C) The objects remain in the bucket, and their retention periods continue governed by the governance mode setting.

D) The objects are locked and cannot be accessed by anyone, even with appropriate permissions.

Answer: A) The objects remain in the bucket, but their retention periods are reset to the compliance mode setting.

What happens to a version of an object that is deleted when S3 Object Lock is enabled?

A) The object version is permanently deleted, and the hold cannot be removed.

B) The object version is marked for deletion but cannot be deleted until the retention period expires.

C) The object version is permanently deleted, but a delete marker is created, and the retention period starts for the delete marker.

D) The object version is permanently deleted, but a delete marker is created that can be used to restore the object version within the retention period.

Answer: D) The object version is permanently deleted, but a delete marker is created that can be used to restore the object version within the retention period.

What can the maximum retention period be set for an object with S3 Object Lock?

A) 1 year

B) 10 years

C) 50 years

D) There is no maximum retention period.

Answer: D) There is no maximum retention period.

What is the difference between S3 Object Lock and S3 Lifecycle policies?

A) S3 Object Lock and S3 Lifecycle policies are the same things.

B) S3 Object Lock allows immutable object storage, while S3 Lifecycle policies allow automatic object deletion or transition to other storage classes.

C) S3 Object Lock and S3 Lifecycle policies allow immutable object storage, but S3 Lifecycle policies can also transition objects to other storage classes.

D) S3 Object Lock and S3 Lifecycle policies allow automatic object deletion or transition to other storage classes.

Answer: B) S3 Object Lock allows immutable object storage, while S3 Lifecycle policies allow automatic object deletion or transition to other storage classes.

How can you verify if an object is under S3 Object Lock?

A) You can check the object’s metadata for the S3 Object Lock attribute.

B) You can check the object’s version history for the S3 Object Lock attribute.

C) You can check the object’s storage class for the S3 Object Lock attribute.

D) You cannot verify if an object is under S3 Object Lock.

Answer: A) Check the object’s metadata for the S3 Object Lock attribute.

Can you modify an object’s retention period after it has been locked with S3 Object Lock?

A) Yes, you can modify an object’s retention period at any time.

B) No, an object’s retention period cannot be modified after it has been locked.

C) You can modify an object’s retention period only if the bucket is in Governance mode.

D) You can modify an object’s retention period only if the bucket is in Compliance mode.

Answer: B) No, an object’s retention period cannot be modified after it has been locked.

Can you apply S3 Object Lock to individual objects within a bucket, or does it apply to the entire bucket?

A) S3 Object Lock can only be applied to the entire bucket.

B) S3 Object Lock can only be applied to individual objects within a bucket.

C) S3 Object Lock can be applied to the entire bucket or individual objects within a bucket.

D) S3 Object Lock cannot be applied to any objects in a bucket.

Answer: C) S3 Object Lock can be applied to the entire bucket or individual objects within a bucket.

How can you enforce S3 Object Lock on an object uploaded before S3 Object Lock was enabled on the S3 bucket?

A) You cannot enforce S3 Object Lock on an object uploaded before S3 Object Lock was enabled on the S3 bucket.

B) You can create a new version of the object with S3 Object Lock enabled.

C) You can copy the object to another S3 bucket with S3 Object Lock enabled.

D) You can enable S3 Object Lock on the S3 bucket; all existing objects in the bucket will automatically be subject to S3 Object Lock.

Answer: B) You can create a new version of the object with S3 Object Lock enabled.

Can you use S3 Object Lock with server-side encryption?

A) Yes, S3 Object Lock can be used with server-side encryption.

B) No, S3 Object Lock cannot be used with server-side encryption.

C) S3 Object Lock can be used with server-side encryption only if the bucket is in Compliance mode.

D) S3 Object Lock can be used with server-side encryption only if the bucket is in Governance mode.

Answer: A) Yes, S3 Object Lock can be used with server-side encryption.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the cost of S3 Object Lock?

A) There is no cost associated with S3 Object Lock.

B) The cost of an S3 Object Lock is based solely on the storage class of the locked object.

C) The cost of S3 Object Lock includes both storage and data transfer fees.

D) The cost of S3 Object Lock is the same for all AWS regions.

Answer: C) The cost of S3 Object Lock includes both storage and data transfer fees.

Explanation: While there is no additional fee for enabling S3 Object Lock, the cost of S3 Object Lock includes storage and data transfer fees. This is because S3 Object Lock requires that the object be stored in a specific storage class, which may have higher storage fees, and it also affects data transfer fees when moving or accessing the locked object.

How is the cost of an S3 Object Lock affected by the retention period of the locked object?

A) The cost of S3 Object Lock decreases as the retention period increases.

B) The cost of S3 Object Lock increases as the retention period increases.

C) The cost of S3 Object Lock is not affected by the retention period.

D) The cost of S3 Object Lock is only affected if the retention period is less than 30 days.

Answer: B) The cost of S3 Object Lock increases as the retention period increases.

Explanation: The cost of an S3 Object Lock is affected by the retention period of the locked object. As the retention period increases, the cost of S3 Object Lock also increases. Objects with longer retention periods must be stored in more expensive storage classes, such as S3 Glacier, which has higher storage fees.

What happens to the cost of S3 Object Lock if an object is deleted before the retention period has ended?

A) The cost of S3 Object Lock remains the same.

B) The cost of S3 Object Lock increases.

C) The cost of S3 Object Lock decreases.

D) The cost of the S3 Object Lock is refunded.

Answer: A) The cost of S3 Object Lock remains the same.

Explanation: The cost of S3 Object Lock remains the same even if an object is deleted before the retention period has ended. This is because S3 Object Lock does not affect the cost of storing the object, but rather, it prevents the object from being deleted or modified during the retention period.

Which of the following factors can affect the cost of an S3 Object Lock?

A) The number of objects under lock in the S3 bucket.

B) The size of the locked objects.

C) The storage class of the locked objects.

D) All of the above.

Answer: D) All of the above.

Explanation: The cost of an S3 Object Lock can be affected by various factors, including the number of objects under lock in the S3 bucket, the size of the locked objects, and the storage class of the locked objects. These factors can impact the storage and data transfer fees associated with S3 Object Lock.

Which AWS services can be used to help monitor and optimize the cost of S3 Object Lock?

A) AWS CloudTrail

B) AWS Budgets

C) AWS Cost Explorer

D) All of the above.

Answer: D) All of the above.

Explanation: AWS CloudTrail, AWS Budgets, and AWS Cost Explorer can all be used to help monitor and optimize the cost of S3 Object Lock. AWS CloudTrail can track S3 Object Lock API calls and ensure compliance with organizational policies. AWS Budgets can be used to set custom cost and usage budgets for S3 Object Lock. AWS Cost Explorer can be used too.


In conclusion, S3 Object Lock provides additional data protection and compliance with regulations. It enables organizations to set retention periods on objects stored in Amazon S3. It ensures they remain compliant with governance policies while incurring costs related to storage, object lock charges, API requests, data transfer, and operational costs. Additionally, S3 Object Lock can be used with replication enabled. Still, organizations must consider factors such as replication rules, replication time, cross-region replication, and compliance considerations to ensure that the locked objects are retained for the required duration on the destination bucket. Overall, S3 Object Lock is a powerful tool for protecting data stored in the cloud.

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